We are constantly applying urgency to everything, and on everyone.
it's the bad habit we never knew we needed to break.
We manufacture pressure, along with our manufactured timelines, creating real stress and ruining beautiful moments.
In reality, most things are better experienced and better accomplished without the rush.
We know this, even when we fail to act on it.
In truth, we are all aware that we need to give ourselves the time to heal (without the pressure), and learn to trust the process.
Productivity was never meant to be a prison. The desire to feel accomplished was never meant as the carrot on the stick to enable us to feel worthy and valuable. Yet that’s what many of us believe. We operate from a place of needing to produce to feel good about ourselves. We tell ourselves that we are as valuable as the contributions that our efforts create.
Then life happens.
Whether it was expected, or not, a life event knocks you off your feet.
Recalibrating, and regaining your centre demands your time.
And now you need to make the choice: validate your sense of self-worth in production, or gifting yourself with stillness to heal.
Giving yourself space to feel, to deal, and to subsequently heal.
Contrary to some of the pop psychology rhetoric sometimes circulating, healing can’t be pigeonholed into a timeline that works best for your schedule.
Healing requires stillness.
An opportunity to process your emotions and honour their expression.
No judgement, no expectations.
Rather, focus on showing yourself regard, compassion, and support.

Healing is an integral part of the human experience. An aspect of each of our journeys that we can find and create great beauty in… if we give ourselves the room, prioritize carving out the space we need, to heal.
Timeline undetermined, and the process is non-linear. But it’s worth it. Giving ourselves the opportunity to meet ourselves at the chasm between what our minds think and what our hearts need. Healing starts with acknowledgment. Acknowledgment is the practice of honouring our emotions for what they are, what they represent, and how they demonstrate to us who we are.
No rush.
Take time, because either way, healing will take the time it takes.
It is worth getting to know ourselves emotionally, and advocate for our own emotional needs.
Our emotional needs are rarely neatly package in a self-help book, but always readily available if you make the point to look within.
Go inwards.
What first step are you able take today, to gift yourself the space to heal?