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Writer's pictureRachelle Innocent

Protecting Your Peace During the Holidays | Make Space for Healthy & New

It’s hard to put a price on peace of mind, but I think it’s worth a try.

Whether publicly or privately, we all have battles that we are fighting. Though many of us find ourselves fighting out of habit, rather than finding any real point or purpose to the conflicts we’re enduring,

There comes a time (and for me, it’s usually this time of year), where we take a moment to reflect on what it is we’re fighting for.

To what extent are we honouring ourselves in the battles we choose to take on?

And if the battle we find ourselves experiencing, happens to be s a war on peace, what would you do to protect it?


Peace comes at a cost. For most of us this translates as a loss, or an ending, of something familiar. Whether it’s the dynamics we’re born into, or the conflicts we find ourselves enduring, the way we choose to navigate can either grant us the peace we crave or keep us rooted in recognizable dysfunction. It is for each for us to make that choice.


I will always gladly and enthusiastically fight for peace.

Peace is worth the blood, sweat, and tears it demands. What life has shown me, is that peace has always been on the other side of the people, places, and situations that force you to choose.

They are the resistance that calls you to endure and to outlast the circumstances that you are confronted with. Trust that you will outlast, and that you will find your peace on the other side.

I feel such a deep sense of peace over the holidays.

Given that my own sweat equity awarded me with this time to commemorate the battles, I break from dysfunction and ultimately to protect my peace.

I am turning a new page.

I am making space.

For the people, places, and situations that make me healthy, happy, and whole.


In life you will find that there are people that you fight for and that there are others that you fight with. Both contribute to your growth immensely, those individuals who enter your life that give you pause, and you realize that everything is subject to change, anything can be done differently.

There are some traditions that have an expiry date.

And as it relates to protecting your peace?

Focus on being around people who bring you rest and make who put your mind at ease.



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