Live Events "At-A-Glance"
Q1 ACUITY: Defining Focus, Part I
As we dive into all the ways our focus is governed externally, we begin to recognize the ways that we can reclaim and redirect our sense of focus, by first defining how we would most benefit from the placement of our time and energy.
1 Online Session
Q1 ACUITY: Defining Focus, Part II
Having recognized where our time and energy would be best placed, we now take stock of our present reality, and how many alterations to our current routines, and overarching lifestyles, we would need to make to gain alignment.
1 Online Session
Q1 ACUITY: Creating Focus, Part I
Now that we have a high level idea of what is required of us to foster inner and external alignment, we start to make time and space for our inner direction to drive where we place our energy on a day-by-day, week-by-week and month-by-month basis.
1 Online Session
Q1 ACUITY: Creating Focus, Part II
We now recognize how alignment translates in action, we take on the next step, which involves taking stock of thought patterns, habits and beliefs that might limit our ability to maintain this sense of alignment, and make adjustments, accordingly.
1 Online Session
Q1 ACUITY: Maintaining Focus, Part I
Learning that pivoting our sense of focus, and prioritizing inner alignment, is a process that requires intention and discipline. Shedding the perception that our efforts will be successful and seamless, simply because our hearts are in the right place. Embracing the failures we'll experience along the way, in order to maximize our learning from trial and error.
1 Online Session
Q1 ACUITY: Maintaining Focus, Part II
With the objective to create lifestyles that enable us to live life in alignment to ourselves, we have taken stock of our wins and the opportunities of growth that we've encountered along the way. What do we need to start, stop and continue to do, moving forward, to ensure that we are always approaching opportunities in alignment with our own sense of direction?
1 Online Session
Q2 DEVELOPMENT: Defining Growth, Part I
While growth can be a byproduct of circumstance, we also have the opportunity to define how we would like to achieve growth by attaining personal objectives. In this session, we'll outline different objectives that will require our growth for them to manifest.
1 Online Session
Q2 DEVELOPMENT: Defining Growth, Part II
In defining the goals that will enable us to stretch beyond the limits of our comfort zone, and having a clear sense of where we are in our comfort zone, at present -- let's set the stage to get a sense of how we set ourselves up, as bests as possible, to succeed in attaining these objectives.
1 Online Session
Q2 DEVELOPMENT: Creating Opportunities for Growth, Part I
Now that we have a sense of what it is we would like to achieve, and what we would need to change in our lifestyles and routines in order to better equip ourselves to attain our own objectives, we highlight all that is within our realm of control, that create opportunities for growth in our lives.
1 Online Session
Q2 DEVELOPMENT: Creating Opportunities for Growth, Part II
Having done the high-level thinking and brainstorming around what is needed to bring our goals into reality, we begin to exercise our own ability to create an environment that fosters our growth in the areas we've defined.
1 Online Session
Q2 DEVELOPMENT: Maintaining Our Growth Trajectories, Part I
Growth is cyclical and continuous. Pursuing growth is how we stay attuned to our own inner sense of fulfillment and purpose. How do we create lifestyles that enable cycles of growth to self-govern, and motivate us to continue to level-up?
1 Online Session
Q2 DEVELOPMENT: Maintaining Our Growth Trajectories, Part II
The self-check in is so important to ensure that we are always pursuing growth, and not inadvertently falling into complacency. This session discusses how we might shift our habits and attitudes to better recognize when we need to shift our focus and push ourselves beyond the limits of our present-day comfort zone.
1 Online Session
Q3 BALANCE: Defining How Equilibrium Translates for Us, Part I
What balance is and how it feels is very personal to each of us. Balance is self-defined. Getting a sense of all the areas that you need to satisfy, in order to feel as though you are achieving balance you need, to cultivate that sense of wellness and well-being as you go about your day and lean into your routines.
1 Online Session
Q3 BALANCE: Defining How Equilibrium Translates for Us, Part II
Now that you are becoming more aware of all the areas that you need to attend to in order to feel balanced, personally, what areas are requiring more of your attention? What areas are taking too much of your time? We brainstorm shifts and changes to where we carve out time in our days, weeks, and even months, to make room for all that we recognize serves our sense of balance and well-being.
1 Online Session
Q3 BALANCE: Creating A Sense of Equilibrium In Our Lives, Part I
Having completed the reflections, we have a high-level understanding of how we would need to allocate our time, and in how many different areas within our lives, to create a foundation from which we have cultivated a sense of balance. In execution, we learn to leverage our need for equilibrium in our approach to creating routines, focusing on creating time, and placing our energy, in varying degrees, across all of our needs to maintain our sense of balance. From our preliminary roadmap, we begin to see if our initial ideas on how we create balance hold in reality.
1 Online Session
Q3 BALANCE: Creating A Sense of Equilibrium In Our Lives, Part II
Achieving balance is a process that involves trial and error. What have we learned, what areas need revision? How do we leverage our community, or create community, to better equip ourselves to create a sense of balance in our lives? We start to recognize a lot of how we create balance, is how we communicate our need for balance, and how to satisfy those needs, to those in our various social networks. Developing our communications in a way that enables us to navigate interactions and relationships, attuned to our sense of balance and the reciprocity that might be required for it's maintenance.
1 Online Session
Q3 BALANCE: Maintaining Balance for Our Wellbeing, Part I
Now that we've done the reflection and have done some experimentation, what do we need as a baseline requirement to ensure that we are always mindful of the areas that we need to nourish to maintain balance?
How do we make changes in order to embrace this new normal we've established?
What objectives do we need to establish that enables us to maintain equilibrium across both our professional and personal lives?
Exploring changes and adjustments required in the short, mid and long-term phases of our goal planning.
1 Online Session
Q3 BALANCE: Maintaining Balance for Our Wellbeing, Part II
Balance, and what we need to feel balanced, is subject to change as we grow and evolve throughout our lives. Every accomplishment and milestone provides us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, to ensure that we attain and maintain our balance, while welcoming the new.
How do we keep this top of mind, as we go and grow through life?
Focusing on goal-planning as a way of maintaining a high-level of conscientiousness on where we place our energy, and how that placement serves us in striving, while maintaining equilibrium.
1 Online Session
Q4: AWARENESS: Defining What Matters in Our Lives, Part I
With all of the distractions and bids for our time and energy, it's easy to lose sight of what matters most to us. Especially given that what matters most to us shifts and changes as we grow, and as we embrace new opportunities.
It's important to take the time to reflect and take stock of the level of time and energy investment we place into the areas that create meaning and fulfillment in our lives.
1 Online Session
Q4: AWARENESS: Defining What Matters in Our Lives, Part II
Now that we are starting to get a sense of where we derive the most meaning in life, how much do our lifestyles and our energy align to it?
Are we living our lives in harmony with what we find meaningful? Why or why not?
We get to the underlying thoughts, beliefs and desires that conflict with our ability to live in harmony with where we derive the most meaning and fulfillment. Our focus is on deconstructing those limiting beliefs to give ourselves the freedom to pursue what matters to each of us, personally.
1 Online Session
Q4: AWARENESS: Creating a Life of Meaning, Part I
We begin to take stock of the areas of our lives that take away from us being able to put our energy into what we find meaningful.
What can we change about these areas to create meaning in how we engage with them?
How should we go about making the required pivots to reorient ourselves in alignment with what matters most to us. We build a roadmap to have a better overview of each adjustment that would be required to get ourselvse on track.
1 Online Session
Q4: AWARENESS: Creating a Life of Meaning, Part II
Now that we have a better understanding of what areas need more of our attention to feel as though our energy placement aligns with where we find the most meaning, what sacrifices do we need to make in order for this to become the new normal, how do we integrate meaning into our daily lives?
As we begin the process of laying the foundation and making changes to our lifestyles and routines to make room for alignment, what are we learning about ourselves along the way?
What challenges have we come across and how are we responding to that friction?
How dedicated are we to living in alignment to our purpose, when faced with the need to sacrifice and cut away from what is sometimes comfortable and comforting.
1 Online Session
Q4: AWARENESS: Maintaining a Life Of Purpose through Change, Part I
We learn best through trial and error.
What have we learned in trying to align our energy with where we find the most meaning?
What changes do we need to make to ensure that our own inner sense of meaning drives the decisions we make on what we do and who we spend our time with in our lives?
In pursuit of fulfillment and meaning, we unearth the layers and depth of self-discovery that manifests along the way.
1 Online Session
Q4: AWARENESS: Maintaining a Life Of Purpose through Change, Part II
What do we need to start, stop and continue to do, in order to ensure that we are always aligning our lives to our sense of meaning, even as what brings meaning to our lives, shifts and changes as we develop?
1 Online Session