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R E B U I L D I N G F A M I L Y , C O M M U N I T I E S & R E L A T I O N S H I P S.
A celebration of perseverance, resilience and grit.

Rachelle Innocent
Jan 16, 20222 min read
The Impact of Family Systems - Discovering the Power of your Voice
Children who are not safe to use their voice within their family systems, often devalue their voices as they get older.
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Rachelle Innocent
Aug 29, 20213 min read
Talking About Individuality - Preparing for Back-to-School
Celebrate each child's individuality, rise to their defence, and give them the tools they need to support, protect and empower themselves.
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Rachelle Innocent
Oct 30, 20204 min read
Parens Patriae: « L’Etat » de famille
Pourtant, la famille nucléaire est toujours un idéal socioculturelle que nous chérissons c’était plus au moins détruit pendant la révolution
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Rachelle Innocent
Oct 29, 20204 min read
Parens Patriae: The “State” of Family
While the nuclear family is still a sociocultural ideal that we cherish, it was largely destroyed in the late 1800s.
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Rachelle Innocent
Sep 17, 20204 min read
Retourner à l'école (plus au moins) : édition pandémique
Vous pouvez attester à la rigidité des programmes scolaires. Le curriculum n’est pas construit pour s’adapter aux besoins de vos enfants.
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Rachelle Innocent
Sep 17, 20203 min read
Back to School-ish: Pandemic Edition
As a parent you can attest to the rigidity of school programming. The curriculum isn’t built to fit the specific dispositions of your child.
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Rachelle Innocent
Aug 6, 20203 min read
La fausseté du rôle parental de référence
Comme parent vous êtes toujours en train d’apprendre, d’itérer et progresser par votre propre définition et au juste, par la définition de v
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Rachelle Innocent
Aug 6, 20203 min read
The Fallacy of Benchmark Parenting
There is no reliable map to tell you all you need to do to raise your specific child to be well-adjusted and equipped for life.
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Rachelle Innocent
May 19, 20192 min read
C'est quoi, Project Purpose ?
Ce blog vise à expliciter les différents aspects de ma vision. Ce projet, m’a rapidement obnubilé, notamment durant mes moments...
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Rachelle Innocent
Apr 23, 20193 min read
Un peu d'histoire ; des dates clés et données simples
Il y a huit ans de cela, très exactement le 11 avril 2011, j’ai soutenu une thèse qui a bouleversé ma vie. Ce papier était ma thèse,...
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Rachelle Innocent
Apr 23, 20195 min read
L'impact de la famille MC
INTRODUCTION Le concept de « famille nucléaire » est un concept social qui est dessué. Pourquoi dessué ? Alors, l’illustration...
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Rachelle Innocent
Jan 30, 20193 min read
Some History: Data, Knowledge and other Details...
Eight years ago, on April 11, 2011, I submitted my research thesis, “ADHD: Does it have a Neurophysiological Basis or is it a Social...
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Rachelle Innocent
Jan 28, 20195 min read
From Theory to Application... A Tribute to the MC Family
The degree of importance that I attribute to family is one of the revelations that I owe to the “MC family.” I will forever cherish them.
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Rachelle Innocent
Jan 27, 20192 min read
What is Project Purpose?
My vision. Project Purpose was one of the few ideas that kept popping up in my psyche, niggling at me in my quiet, introspective moments,...
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